Wednesday, December 30, 2009

BlogHer gives you 9 Chances to win a $200 gift card!!!

If you have been around the blogoshpere for any amount of time there is a good chance that you may have heard of BlogHer. As the BlogHer website says, it was founded in 2005 with the mission to "create opportunities for women who blog to pursue exposure, education, community and economic empowerment". They hold annual conferences and through their network of over 2,500 blog affiliates they reach more than 15 million women per month. In addition to that, members in their hub have listed over 22,000 woman-run blogs.

This holiday season they are partnering with eight other blogs in a very nice giveaway where you have nine chances to win a $200 Visa gift card. All you need to do is share a memory of a holiday road trip that sticks out in your mind and you are entered. The blogs participating are:
  1. BlogHer
  2. Busy Mom
  3. Honest & Truly Reviews
  4. Long Hollow Conversations
  5. Muse Reviews
  6. Points of Review
  7. Punkin Pie Reviews
  8. Slice of Pink Reviews
  9. Stepford Stories Review Blog
Be sure to follow each site's instructions on how to enter as some of them have ways to gain multiple entries. To maximize your chances enter all of them if you have the time. Hurry though, because they end on December 31! Good luck!

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