Well, it's Monday, I'm home and had a great time in New York. It was definitely a short trip this time but next time I will stay much longer. The highlight was certainly the walking tour on Saturday which lasted 18 hours! It was great though. The hostel's guide for that trip, Jerry, was very entretaining the entire time. I'm sure a lot of tour guides for pay tours that last less than half as long would get boring after an hour or two, but Jerry was awesome. He does it every Saturday and you don't even have to stay at the hostel to go because it's free. So, I highly recommend that to anyone visiting NYC. We had a good late lunch at a place in Chinatown. I had some Tsing Tao with a guy from Australia who was on a working vacation in Canada and got to watch people try chopsticks for the time. It was good food and a good time. I didn't get to to have any local pizza but we passed a shop with pizzas that were like 28". They looked soooo good. And the people were all very nice. I met a very nice (and cute!) girl from Japan studying in Chiba. I suck with names, but I think it was Ahime. I hope. Well, if I saw her again I would recognize her. And she was traveling with her older sister who was equally as cute. Anyway, I'm getting off topic...
Sunday after I woke up from the long walk I took a couple hours and walked around Central Park to experience the park with the Gates. It was fun and a nice little walk in itself.

So, I've put the photos I took up in my Yahoo! photo album so go have a look if you like.

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