Tomorrow is Sunday, September 19th and for those of you who never attended OSU or aren't in Columbus, that means it is the official campus residence hall move in day. Basically, students have to go to the Schottenstein center, get their keys and sign in and can go move in to their dorms. It's scheduled from 8am - 5pm but I get to be there from 6:30am - 6:00pm because our office is set up there all day for students who find out that they are unpaid or some other financial aid didn't pay yet...which, if you wait until the day of move-in (10 months after you've applied and 5 months after your financial aid is created) and have the nerve to complain to us because you didn't do something during those 5 months, don't look for too much sympathy. But, thankfully, those are the minority and most of the people that come to our office are nice, gracious and at least thatnkful if we tell them how to correct what they may have done wrong this year. But, it can still be a damned stressful, pain in the ass time because of the huge increase in office traffic once all the students come back to school. With 30,000+ financial aid recipients it still pisses me off when one parent or student has the audacity to bitch and complain that they have to try for days to get a call through to us or they have to wait 30 minutes - 1 hour in our lounge before seeing someone. Someone who is going to help you figure out a solution to your problem, no less...frickin' ungrateful... ...after 5 1/2 years of hearing it, it does tend to get on ones nerves a bit.
But, it's not all bad. I mean, after a couple weeks once classes start it begins to die down some and stress levels fall.
Plus, I'm very happy about it because it means one of my favorite people and best friends is coming back to Columbus too. ^_^

So, that far outweighs any of the negative things that I can think of.